Our Academic Events
- 23 Nov 2016- Govt. Milk Scheme, Chandrapur
- 19 Nov 2016- Water Purification Plant, MIDC Chandrapur
- 23 Jul 2016- Water Purification Plant, MIDC Chandrapur
- 4 March 2016- PHC, Durgapur
- 17 Feb 2016- Govt. Milk Scheme, Chandrapur
- 3 Feb 2016- Naturapathy Centre Tukum, Chandrapur
- 7 Jan 2016- Water Purification Plant, MIDC Chandrapur
- 7 Jan 2016- Naturapathy Centre Tukum, Chandrapur
- 02-01-2016 Comparison of Charakokta
- 22.12.2017 Concept of tridosha
- 11 Dec 2017- Birth Injuries of newborn
- 17 Nov 2017- Water Purification Plant, MIDC Chandrapur
- 16 Sep 2017- Neonatal Resucitation
- 22 August 2017- Bones (upper limb)
- 6 Jul 2017- Water Purification Plant, MIDC Chandrapur
- 12.07.2017 educational Visit Tadali PHC
- 23 Jun 2017- concept of dhatu
- 25 May 2017- Rajkal Saptah
- 18 April 2017- Nervous System
- 10 Feb 2017- vatavyathi chikitsa
- 6 Feb 2017- Infertility case study
- 18 Jan 2017- Pollution (preventation control)
- 26 Dec 2018- parpati kalpana
- 22 Dec 2018- PHC, Durgapur
- 12 Dec 2018- padarth vigyan evam ayu. Itihas
- 11 Dec 2018- Tamak Shwasa in Children
- 6 Dec 2018- Sustinable harvesting techniques
- 5 Dec 2018- kushtha & its management
- 03.12.2018 Kupipakwa Rasayan
- 1 Dec 2018- padarth vigyan evam ayu. Itihas
- 30 Nov 2018- roganutpadaniya A
- 29 Nov 2018- shlok recitation
- 20 Nov 2018- पंचतंत्र
- 28.11. 2018 Marma Sharir
- 19 Nov 2018- ssnanvidhi
- 19 Nov 2018- Menstrual cycle & its disorder
- 17 Nov 2018- Water Purification Plant, MIDC Chandrapur
- 6 Nov 2018- Identification of Fresh Drugs according to family
- 11 Oct 2018- importance of siddhistam
- 6 Oct 2018- ENT emergency managment
- 02 October 2018 – Gandhi Jayanti Event
- 14 sep 2018- micro organism
- 14 Sep 2018- Sickle Cell Anemia
- 8 sep 2018- alarka visha (dog bite )
- 7 Sep 2018- clinical evaluation of pramesh vyadhi
- 5 September 2018- Teacher’s Day Event
- 01-09-2018 poshan saptaha
- 1 Sep 2018- Poshan Maha
- 15 August 2018- Independence Day Event
- 8 August 2018- alarka visha (dog bite )
- 3 August 2018- Women’s Day event
- 20 July 2018- PHC, Durgapur
- 12 Jul 2018-PHC, Tadali Chandrapur
- 3 Jul 2018- Water Purification Plant, MIDC Chandrapur
- International-Yoga-Day-21.06. 2018
- 14.06.2018 Quiz Compitation in vaccination
- 6 May 2018- World Environment Day
- 18 April 2018- Shatkarma, Important in present era
- 7 April 2018- Morden view of cotact exlaction
- 7-4-2018 seminar environmental toxicity air pollution
- 6 April 2018-avaran
- 2 April 2018- Saralbhasha
- 23 March 2018- importance of siddhistam all adhyay
- 14 March 2018-Netraroga Quiz
- 23 March 2018- Govt. Milk Scheme, Chandrapur
- 7 March 2018- digestive system
- 06.02.2018 Departmental seminar
- 26 January 2018 – Republic Day Event
- 17 Jan Biomedical waste management
- 12.1.2018 dept seminar
- 9 Jan 2018- Management of Atisar in Ayurveda & Modern science
- 30 Dec 2019- importance of sam. In Ayurveda
- 26 Dec to 28 Dec 2019- Clinical Based learning & skill making program
- 20.12.2019 Ashtang Vruday
- 09.12.2019 Grooup Discussion
- 28 November 2019- Dravyadravya vigyaniyam
- 25 Nov to 27 Nov 2019- Basic Life support, CPR Training, Ryles Tube Insertion, Endotracheal Insertion
- 16.11.2019 Group Discussion in Prakruti
- 14 October 2019-recent advance in bhaisajya kaplana
- 14.10.2019 Group Discussion
- 02 October 2019 – Gandhi Jayanti Event
- 17.09.2019 Departmental Seminar
- 17.09.2019 Departmental Seminar Dravyaguna
- 16 September 2019- Kushta Center, Anandwan Warora
- 11 September 2019- clinical evaluation of grahani
- 06.09.2019 Joint Disease Diffrentiation Diagnosis
- 5 September 2019- Teacher’s Day Event
- 30 August 2019- Water Purification Plant, MIDC Chandrapur
- 28 August 2019- Infectious Diseases
- 26.08.2019 Infection Disease
- 15 August 2019- Independence Day Event
- 6 August 2019-Snehpaka kalpana Quiz
- 10 August 2019- Neonatal Resucitation
- 3 August 2019- Women’s Day event
- 30 Jul 2019- Gastric lauage procedure
- 19 Jul 2019- Govt. Milk Scheme, Chandrapur
- 8 Jul 2019- Immunisation Schedule, Vaccination, Chean
- 8 Jul to 10 Jul 2019- Yogya Vidhi
- 6 Jun to 8 Jun 2019- Clinical Based learning & skill making program
- Environment Day
- 21 May 2019- panchvidh keshay kalpana
- 08-05-2019 Samhita siddhant Simulation
- 26-04-2019 Ashu Bhashanam
- 25 April to 27 April 2019- Folies Catherization, Ascites, Plural Tapping, Enema, Gastric Lumber
- 20 April 2019-thermal injury
- 16 April 2019- Fistula in Ano
- 15 April 2019- avedha kalpana
- 30.03.2019 Sudhavarga
- 25 March 2019- Masanumasik Viddhi (Shlok)
- 11 March 2019- Tubectomy / Vasectomy / Contraception
- 7 March to 9 March 2019- Nadi parikshan, CPR Training, Ryles Tube Insertion,Airway
- 2 March 2019- PHC, Durgapur
- 12 Feb 2019- padarth vigyan evam ayu. Itihas
- 12 Feb 2019- pathya kalpana
- 9 Feb 2019- Vaginal Examination
- 7 Feb 2019- charak U
- 5 February 2019- Recent development in dravyaguna
- 7 Feb to 9Feb 2019- PPH & Ratained placenta
- 28 Jan to 30 Jan 2019- Cathetrization
- 26 January 2019- Immunisation Schedule
- 26 January 2019 – Republic Day Event
- 12.01.2019 Shlock recitation
- 11.01.2019 Avaran
- 09.01.2019 PCOD & Infertility
- 07.01.2019 Avaleha kalpana
- 2 January 2019- respiratory system
- 28 dec to 30 dec 2020- Clinical Based learning & skill making program
- 27 Nov 2020- Parpati kalpana in various disorders
- 02 October 2020 – Gandhi Jayanti Event
- 29.09.2020 Departmental Seminar
- 06.07.2020 personality Development & booster Confidence
- 5 September 2020- Teacher’s Day Event
- 20 August 2020- organ donation
- 15 August 2020- Independence Day Event
- International-Yoga-Day-21.06. 2020
- 6 August 2020- stanpan saptah
- 4 Aug to 5 Aug 2020- Myocardial Infraction, Acute abdomen , Alzheimer disease PUO
- 3 August 2020- Women’s Day event
- 17 July 2020- placemental short courses in national cancer institute
- 8 Jul to 10 Jul 2020- Suturing
- 3 July 2020- Maternal Health & Covid-19
- 27 June 2020- overning law & various legal aspect for ayurved graduate
- 24 June 2020- “An Approach to the patient of fever in OPD”
- 8 Jun to 10 Jun 2020- Clinical Based learning & skill making program
- 7 June 2020- personality development and confidence boosting
- 2 Jun to 3 Jun 2020- Breathing Technique
- 6 May 2020- World Environment Day
- 16 March 2020- Occupational Health
- 6 March 2020- Kushta Center, Anandwan Warora
- 5 March to 7 March 2021- Injection Techiiques CPR- Training, Ryles Tube insertion, Nadi Parikshan
- 4 March 2020- Water Purification Plant, MIDC Chandrapur
- 25 February 2020- pregnancy and delivery
- 25 Feb to 27 Feb 2020- Binomial examination & obstructed labour
- 19 February 2020- padarth vigyan evam ayu. Itihas
- 18 February 2020- ratnavarga
- 13 February 2020- netrakalpana
- 12 Feb 2020- Garbhadan Sanskar, Uterine Prolaps, Menstrual Cycle, Infertility
- 12 Feb 2020- PHC, Durgapur
- 8 February 2020- Rakt Odhatu
- 7 February 2020- Aura Park, Nagpur
- 6 February 2020- Resuscitation
- 28 Jan to 30 Jan 2020- Siravedh
- 26 January 2020 – Republic Day Event
- 13 January 2020- macroscopic Structure of
- 10 January 2020- संस्कृत व्यवहार
- 8 January 2020- Gastric lauage
- 7 January 2020- charak-U
- 6 January 2020- digestive system
- 2 January 2020- vata pitta & kapha & digestive syte
- 02-12-2021 to 04-12-2021 Shalakyatantra Simulation
- 03.12.2021 Guest Lecture Pramana Virechana
- 11 Nov 2021- Dravyadravya vigyaniyam adhyayan
- 30 Oct 2021- Panchakarma in paediatrics route of vaccination
- 29 Oct 2021- Neonatal Resucitation
- 28 Oct 2021- Cathetarization in neonate
- 26 Oct 2021- Aam vivechan & its treatment
- 20 Oct 2021- basic concept of malignancy
- 15-10-2021 Guest lecture
- 1 Oct 30 Oct 2021- Poshan Maah
- 06.10.2021 ENT emergency Management
- 28 sep to 30 sep 2021- Bruch delivery & cord prolapse
- 13 sep 2021- padarth vigyan evam ayu. Itihas
- 9 Sep 2021- AppliCation of swedan in clinical practice
- 09.09.2021 Nervous System
- 8 Sep 2021- workshop on carrier opportunity
- 5 Sep 2021- Ethics of teching & leaning, Good Teaching practicess
- 2 Sep 2021- charak U ( online )
- 1 Sep to 29 Sep 2021- Rashtriy poshan maha
- 5 September 2021- Teacher’s Day Event
- 23 august 2021- Exibhition Kala
- 27.08.2021 Departmental Seminar
- 18.08.2021 Quiz Compitation
- 17 August 2021- Emergency line of medical intervention
- 14.08.2021 organ donation seminar
- 13 Aug 2021- Charak Jayanti
- 13 August 2021- principalpproach of charak samhita
- 13 August 2021- Charak Jayanti
- 13 August 2021 – Organ Donation Camp
- 12 August 2021- Adverse drug reaction
- 10 August 2021- stanpa saptah
- 8 August 2021- Introduction to panchakarma. Snehan, Swedan, Vaman, Virechan
- 5 August 2021- Injury
- 3 August 2021- Women’s Day event
- 13 July 2021- Siravedh
- 13 July 2022- Cardio pulmonary instertion andendotractial intubation
- 12 Jul 2021- imp of charak samhita
- 19.07.2021 Guest Lecture Rasashastra & IQAC Dept.
- 16.07.2021 Guest Lecture Agadtantra & IQAC
- 15.07.2021 Guest Lecture
- 16.07.2021 FOOD POISONING
- 10 Jul 2021- padarth vigyan evam ayu. Itihas
- 07.07.2021 Guest Lecture
- 7 Jul 2021- Nutritional Disorder in Children, Neonaal Resuscitation, Immunization, Growth & Development
- 7 Jul 2021- satvavajay in covid 19 mental crises
- 6 Jul 2021- Pulse examination modern and ayurvedic perspective
- 08.07.2021 post COVID care panchakarma
- 5 Jul 2021- Clinical importance of marma chikitsa
- 5 Jul 2021- Sutika Paricharya Stanapana Mahatva
- 3 Jul 2021- Examination of Neonate in clinical aspects
- 2 Jul 2021- pramana vivechana
- 2 July 2021- Aamvat & Its treatment
- International-Yoga-Day-21.06. 2021
- 19.06.2021 Role of Yogasan in Spinal Disease
- 21 Jun 2021- Yound Generation & AIDS
- 20 Jun 2021- Immunity boositing yoga
- 18 Jun 2021- Yoga & Mental Health
- 17 Jun 2021- Concepts of Psycho Neuro Immunology and yoga
- 16 Jun 2021- Traditional Asans
- 15 Jun 2021- Ahar
- 7 May 2021- Clinical importance of marma chikitsa
- 1 May 2021- Maharashtra foundation day
- 10 April 2021-maulik siddhant evam ashtang hruday (online)
- 9 April 2021- purvartha (online)
- 09.04.2021 headche & strirog
- 09.04.2021 eye bank and eye donation
- 09.04.2021 systemic opthalmology
- 09.04.2021 Seminar Samhita Dept. Charak Samhita Purvardha
- 09.04.2021 national program of deafness
- 09.04.2021 kriyakalpa
- 8 April 2021- jwara , pandu, aamvata, hridroga
- 8 April 2021- Group A – Infertility, Group B – Anrenatal Care, Group C- Raktapradar Group D – Abnormal Vaginal discharge.
- 07.04.2021 Seminar Rasashastra dept.
- 07.04.2021 Sterilization
- 07.04.2021 Nutrition Disorders In Children
- 06.04.2021 Emergency Medicine
- 6 April 2021- Rog – Rogi Pariksha Endocrinology
- 24 March 2021 – World TB Day Event
- 16.03.2021 to 31.03.2021 Poshan NSS & Swasthavritta dept.
- 16 March to 31 march 2021- Poshan Pandharwada
- 04.03.2021 Shlock Recitation
- 03.03.2021 to 18.03.2021 Sanskrit Spoken Class
- 18 Feb 2021- Normal delivery, malpresentation
- 17 Feb 2021- PHC, Durgapur
- 15 Feb 2021- Immunity boositing yoga
- 5 Feb 2021- Govt. Milk Scheme, Chandrapur
- 3 Feb 2021- Water Purification Plant, MIDC Chandrapur
- 01.02.2021 shlok writing
- 27 Jan to 28 Jan 2021- Autoclaving and sterilisation techniques
- 26 January 2021- Covid-19 Awareness rally
- 28-12-2022 to 30-12-2022 Shalakyatantra Simulation
- 18.11.2022 Tutorial of Shoulder Joint
- 04.11.2022 Problem Based Learning
- 12.12.2022 Scope in ayurveda in Intellectual property rights
- 16.12.2022 Problem based Learning
- 01.12.2022-AIDS-day-celebration
- 28 November 2022-Dravyadravya vigyaniyam adhyayan
- 26 Nov 2022- Constitution Day
- 25.11.22 Tutorial on Cardiovascular System
- 21.11.2022 Marma Pneumonic
- 14.11.2022 Physiology Of heart
- 07.11.2022 Garbh Poshan Nyay
- 11 November 2022- Injection (IV, IM, SC, ID)
- 21 October 2022 – Ayurveda Day
- 01-09.2022 to 30-09 .2022 poshan maha
- 15 Oct 2022- Vachan Prerana Din
- 15 Oct 2022- Yuva Netrutva Viksan Upkram
- 9 Oct 2022- Kojagiri Pornima
- 4 Oct 2022- Garba
- 01 October 2022 – Clean India Campaign
- 29 sep 2022- Sex Education
- 14 september 2022- Hindi Diwas
- 8 september 2022- Ayurveda in Global Warming
- 30.08.2022 Shlock Recitation
- 30.08.2022 Shlock Recitation
- 29 August 2022- Dincharya
- 26 Aug 2022- Orientation about compitative exam and personality development
- 24.08.2022 Anesthesia
- 12.08.2022 Amli Padartha Virodhi Pratidnya
- 19 Aug 2022- Dahi handi
- 15 August 2022- Har Ghar Tiranga
- 12 Aug 2022- International Youth Day
- 3-8-22 to 5-8-22- Factal malpresentation & Breech Delivery
- 3 August 2022- Women’s Day event
- 01.08.2022 to 15.08.2022 Swachhata Pandharwada
- 04.08.2022 Covid Boster Dose Camp-
- 01.08.2022 to 15.08.2022 Har Ghar Tiranga
- 22.07.2022 Workshop
- 20-07-2022 NCISM New Curriculum
- 19 July 2022- orientation 1st BAMS teaching faculty on NCISM new curriculum
- 08.07.2022 Departmental Seminar
- 8 July 2022- Introduction to panchakarma. Snehan, Swedan, Vaman
- 7 July 2022- Emergency line of medical intervention of artificial respiration
- 4 July 2022- Introduction to panchakarma. Snehan, Swedan, Vaman, Virechan
- 6-7-22 to 8-7-22 -Autoclaving and sterilisation techniques
- 02.07.2022 Early Clinical Explosure
- 01.07.2022 activity
- 28 Jun 2022- sankhya darshan
- 21-6-2022- 8th International yoga day celebration
- 20 June 2022- Mansik Swasth & Yoga
- 17 June 2022- Benefits of Daily Practice of yoga
- 17-06-2022 Guest Lecturer Swasthavritta
- 17-06-2022 Guest Lecturer Swasthavritta
- 18.06.2022 Summery Writing
- 16 June 2022- Pranayama
- 15 June 2022- Yoga & Humanity
- 15.06.2022 Dept. Swasthavritta Dr.kamlesh Mahajan sir webinar
- 14 June 2022- World Blood Donor’s Day
- 14.06.2022-to-21.06.2022-8th-International-Yoga-Day
- 8 Jun 2022- Dik dravya
- 08-06-2022 to 10-06-2022 Shalakyatantra simulation
- 6 June 2022- World Environmental Day
- 6 June 2022- Suturing and mathods of bandaging
- 6 June 2022- Instrument Uses
- 01.06.2022 Group Discussion
- 29 May 2022- Mahilanchya Suddhrud Arogyakarita Ahar & Yogasan
- 24 May 2022- chandrapur district session court
- 17 May 2022- Yoni Picchu & Matra Basti in various Gynacological Disorders
- 5 May 2022- Geriatic Care
- 5 May 2022- Annaswarupiya adhyay
- 27-04-2022 Time management
- 26 April 2022- stress management
- 25 april 2022- ayush related videos by dr. Vinnet bharne
- 23 April 2022- personal hygine & health
- 23 April 2022- yoga & meditation
- 22 April 2022- development of communication skill
- 21 April 2022- goal setting behaviour of conflict revolution
- 22.04.2022-WORLD-EARTH-DAY
- 22.04.2022 development of communication skills
- 18 april 2022- professional ethics
- 16 April 2022- philosophy & concept of ASU
- 13 April 2022- ayurveda’s national & international reach
- 12 April 2022- lecture on equlity in the constituon
- 12.04.2022 Emergency Medicines
- 8 April 2022- Kriya Kalpa, Eye Bank Drushtigat Rog Tonsilitis common disease of oral cavity
- 5 April 2022- 7 group vise topic
- 4 April 2022- charak samhita (uttarardha)
- 24-4-2022 to 29-4-2022- Basic Life support, CPR Training, Ryles Tube Insertion
- 22 April 2022- Earth Day Celebration
- 12 April 2022- Yonivyapad, APH, Vandhyatwa, Placenta formation developmental function, Menopause, Diagnosis & Prenancy
- 9 April 2022- Departmental Seminar
- 8 April 2022- charak samhita U
- 7 April 2022- World Health Day
- 07.04.2022 World Heath day
- 07.04.2022 Departmental Seminar
- 07.04.2022 world health day celebration
- 07-04-2022 Departmental Seminar
- 05.04.2022 Breast Disease & Sterilization
- 6 Aprl 2022- Publication Skill
- 2 April 2022- World Cancer Day
- 29 March 2022- Uttarbasti, Yoni Prakshlan & Yoni Dhupan
- 26 March 2022- Applied Aspect of Swasthavritha
- 25.03.2022-Agadtantra-Guest-Lecture
- 23 March 2022- Poshan Saptah
- 22 March 2022- Water Day Celebration
- 22 March 2022- rasashashtra and B. kalpana
- 21 March 2022- World Forest Day
- 24.03.2022 tuberculosis & Their management
- 17 March 2022- Mazi Vasundhara Vruksha Savardhan Abhiyan
- 8March 2022- womens day
- 4 february 2022- Health Day Celebration (World Cancer Day)
- 14-2-2022 to 31-3-2022- Vasantik Vaman Shibir
- 20.02.2022 to 31.02.2022 Vasantik Vaman Shibir
- 12 Feb to 13 Feb 2022- Chyavanprash nirman
- 13.02.2022 ayurveda national and international reach (2)
- 5 February 2022- Basic Knowledge of Ayurvedic Panchakarma
- 4 Feb 2022- Worlds cancer day
- 24-2-2022 to 26-2-2022- Abdominal examination in ANC
- 7 Jan to 23 Jan 2022- NSS Special camp
- 27-1-2022 to 29-1-2022- Ksharsutra Ligation
- 14 Jan 2022- Suryanamskar Day
- 14 January 2022- Makarsankranti / Suryanamaskar
- 10 January 2022- Normal delivery, forceps delivery
- 6 January 2022- Asphygrial Death
- 29.12.2023 Visit snow ball (Swasthavritta dept)
- 28.12.2023 Visit Laxmi Bricks (Swasthavritta dept.)
- 21.12.2023 Rangoli Competition on the occasion of Beti bachav beti padhao
- 06.12.2023 mahaparinirvan din
- 06.11.2023 NSS Camp
- 31.10.2023 Rashtriya ekata divas
- 15.10.2023 Blood Donation camp on occasion of VC birthday
- 09.10.2023 Court Visit (Agadtantra dept.)
- 01.10.2023 Swacchata Abhiyan
- 31.08.2023 to 06.09.2023 Sanskrit Saptaha
- 04.09.2023 Guest Lecture Eye donation
- 28.08.2023 Eye Donation
- 24 August 2023- anesthesia
- 15 August 2023- Meri mitthi mera desh
- 15.08.2023 Independence Day Celebrations
- 10.08.2023 Vishakha awareness pro.hospital
- 7 august 2023- General principal of Th+ of poisoning
- 07.08.2023 Vishakha Awarness Program
- 5 August 2023- Garbhasanskar
- 3 August 2023- Cerebral poison, metal poision, alarka visha, strangulation, injury, post mellum
- 01.08.2023 parents teacher meeting.
- 21 July 2023- Ayurvedic Diatetics
- 17 July 2023- NCD, Epidemiology, Occupational health, Diaster Management
- 15 July 2023- General Awarness on Oral Malignancy
- 14 July 2023- Medical certification of cause of death
- 7 July 2023 -Menstrul Hygine
- 6 July 2023- Infertility, Differential diagnosis of pregnancy, contraceptive, yonivyapad
- 1 July 2023- Doctors Day
- 21.06.2023 International Yoga Day
- 6 June 2023-Instrument Uses
- 5 June 2023- world Environmental day
- 05.06.2023 Dept seminar samhita siddhant
- 29 April 2023- Neonatal Resucitation, Growth and development & Panchakarma in Peditric
- 21 April 2023- Eye Donation
- 21 April 2023- Cataract, Kriyakalp, Anatomy of Eye with Retina, Anatomy of Ear, National Program of Defness, Tonsils
- 20 April 2023- Final BAMS Student dept. Seminar
- 17 April 2023- An Awarness of Snakes
- 14 April 2023- Ambedkar Jayanti
- 13 April 2023- Waste management
- 13 April 2023- Uttarbasti, Yoni Prakshlan
- 13 April 2023- EID Celebration
- 07 April 2023 – World Health Day
- 07.04.2023 Workshop on- awareness on snakes
- 10 April 2023- Road Safty
- 24 March 2023- World Tuberculosis Day
- 22 March 2023- Gudipadwa
- 17 March 2023- Water Purification Plant, MIDC Chandrapur
- 16 March 2023- yurveda in global warming
- 17 March 2023- Applied Knowledge of shalyatantra
- 13 March 2023- Arogyadham Visit
- 11 March 2023- Understanding the role of Mentoring by Dr. Sandesh Goje
- 11 March 2023- clinical explosure under trasactional curriculum
- 11 March 2023- Time management by Mrs. Ankita Singh
- 10 March 2023- National Health Gole & Policies
- 9 March 2023- Poster Competition
- 9 March 2023- Internation Womens day
- 8 March 2023- learning skill
- 6 March 2023- basic prakruti and parikshan
- 6 March 2023- Transational Curriculum
- 4 March 2023- Transational Curriculum
- 4 March 2023- Pyrexia with unknown origin (Fever), Emergency medicines (Myocardial infraction, Status asthamaticus, Status epilepticus, Acute abdomen), Diseases of respiratory system, Diseases of digestive system, Rasayanvajikaran & Chikitsa Nirupan
- 3 March 2023- importance of diet
- 3 March 2023- stress coping relaxation technician
- 3 March 2023- poshan Maah
- 3 March 2023- Transational Curriculum
- 2 March 2023- Guest Lecture Personality development
- 1 March 2023-know your campus
- 1 March 2023- Transational Curriculum
- 1-3-23 to 1-4-23-Yog Parichay
- 01-03-2023. Important of Diet
- 28 February 2023- yoga & meditation
- 28 February 2023- Transational Curriculum
- 28 Feb 2023- Marathi Diwas
- 27 February 2023- Guest Lecture
- 25 February 2023- Transational Curriculum
- 24 February 2023- institution officials and their roles in the hierachery
- 24 February 2023-Transational Curriculum
- 20 February 2023- Shiv Jayanti Event
- 11 February 2023- Respiroatory System
- 26 January 2023 – Republic Day Event
- 24 January 2023- scope and carrier opportunity after BAMS
- 24 January 2023- Anushalyakarma prayogic adhyayan
- 17 January 2023-guest Lecture
- 14 January 2023- topic discussion
- 13 January 2023- role of Panchakarma in amawat
- 12 January 2023-Sports Day Event
- 25.01.2023 Guest Lecture
- 05.12.2024 Guest Lecture Samhita Siddhant dept.
- 01.09.2024 to 30.09.2024 Poshan maha
- 01.09.2024 Durgapur Camp
- 27.08.2024 Dahihandi utsav
- 26.08.2024 Basic Life Support and cpr training workshop
- 24.08.2024 Fire Safety Evacuation workshop
- 24.08.2024 Guest Lecture (Kriya Sharir Dept.)
- 22.08.2024 to 23.08.2024 Seminar by Kayachikitsa Department
- 21.08.2024 Stand for safety at workplace rally (Kolkatta rape case)
- 15.08.2024 Independence Day Celebrations
- 13.08.2024 to 15.08.2024 Har Ghar Tiranga Campaign
- 12.08.2024 Charak Jayanti
- 12.08.2024 Sthanpan Saptaha Guest Lecture
- 03.08.2024 Guest Lecture (Dravyaguna Dept.)
- 03.08.2024 Guest Lecture (Kayachikitsa Dept.)
- 03.08.2024 Organ donation day awarness rally
- 02.08.2024 Guest Lecture on Organ Donation day
- 31.07.2024 Guest Lecture (panchakarma Dept.)
- 03.07.2024 Strit Play Geriatric Health Camp (Kaychikitsa Dept.)
- 02.07.2024 Strit Play Geriatric Health Camp (kayachikitsa Dept.)
- 01.07.2024 to 31.07.2024 Organ Donation Month
- 13.07.2024 Guest Lecture on Sahaj Ayurveda
- 01.07.2024 Doctor’s Day
- 21.06.2024 International Yoga Day
- 10.06.2024 MUHS FOundation Day
- 05.06.2024 World Environment Day
- 12.04.2024 to 14.04.2024 Basic research Methodolgy Workshop
- 09.04.2024 Gudipadwa celebrations
- 28.03.2024 Guest Lecture in Samhita Siddhant Department
- 27.03.2024 Inaugration of Eye OT & Felicitation Ceremony
- 27.03.2024 Inaugration of Research Innovation cell
- 11.03.2024 International Women’s Day
- 27.02.2024 Marathi Bhasha Diwas
- 19.02.2024 Chhatrapti Shivaji Maharaj Jayanti
- 26.01.2024 Republic Day Celebrations
- 12.01.2024 Yuva Din celebrations
- 03.01.2024 Legal Awareness Program