

The Great Three Classic of Ayurveda

The Basic Principal Of Ayurved were in a Premature staze During the vedic Period the seers like charak sushrut and vagbhata created ayurvedic classic which clearly established the ayurvedic principal.During thesame period of takshila and the Nalanda University were in a fill bloom and….

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Rachna Sharir

Department of Rachna Sharir or Department of Human Anatomy is one of the pre-clinical departments. This department mainly deal with Ayurvedic Concept of sharir  along with study of gross and microscopic human anatomy along with…

Kriya Sharir

Department of Rachana Sharir or Department of Human Anatomy is one of the pre-clinical departments. This department mainly deals with Ayurvedic concepts of sharir along with study of gross and microscopic human anatomy along with…

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Dravyaguna Vigyana

This Department Deal with the study of herbal plant including pharmacognosy,pharmacology  and therapeutic uses of the palnt. Ayurvedic drugs ,especially herbs are prescribed in different pharmaceutical form ,to get maximum therapeutic…

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Rasha Shastra & Bhaisjya Kalpana

The department of  Rasa Shastra  mainly deals with the use of metal,gems, minerals and poisons to produce special formulation which help in combating acute condition  of dieases .these metallic…..

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Rog Nidan & vikriti vigyan

This department mainly deals with dignosis of diseases by Ayurvedic methodology along with modern pathological concept…

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Swasthavirritta & Yoga

Swasthavirritta & Yoga department mainly focuses on maintaining health of a 

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Agad Tantra and Vidhi Vaidyaka

Agad Tantra

The word gada means dieases  and the word agad means to get rid of dieses. Agad also means Specific Prepartaion or antidots for poisons.This branch deals………

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Kaya means body And chiktsa means  tratment procedure. As it can be inferres from the disintegration of word,Kaya chiktsa means the treatment of physical and psycological dieases.Most physical dieases are……


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Panchkarma is the type of modelity which include the methode of purification and rejuvenation of body ,mind and soul. In sanskrit, The word ‘panchkarma’ means five therapies. the fie therapeutic means of……. 

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Shalyatantra+(ksharsutra Lab)

In the ancient India, surgery was principally pioneered by ayurveda.Shaya chiktsa is the significant branch of ayurvedic science. The name of sage physicians ,Susruta is the synonymous with surgery from his treatise Susruta samhita, we have became aware of  the thousand of year ago sophisticated……..

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Shalakya Tantra

Shalakya is the branch of Ayurveda ,Dealing with causes,Pathology, Symptoms , Complication, and treatment of dieases of organs  above clavide or collar bone and hence also Known  by the  name Urdhawanga….

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Prasuti and Stri Roga

Prasuti and Strirog is branch of Ayurveda mainly deals with ideal guidelines to be followed during  pregnancy. the Mother should be healthy as her health is  directly related to the health of the……

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Kaumarbhritya-Bala Rog

Kumar means Period of life from conception to the age of 16 years and bhritya means servant. However  this branch deals with  prenatal and post natal baby care along with care of the mother before conception…..

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